Calendar – Summer I 2014
****Starting June 16 we will be in classroom HL 325. This will be our classroom for the remainder of the semester. It has a Smart Board!****
Key: EIIW – Ethnographic Inquiries in Writing / FW – Field Writing / TBA – To Be Announced
***Bring your textbooks and portfolio to class every day! You will need them for in class work. ***
Link to our class Pinterest boards:
Typically the TBA are filled in on the weekend before that week- this is because we are assessing at the end of the week how well we have grasped the lessons and what we are ready for next.
Week 1:
Week 1 Pinterest Board where you can find all the videos and links to websites we discussed this week.
Monday June 2: Class over view, review ENG 1302, literacy basics.
Summer I 2014 Syllabus ENG 1302.001Homework: Read Novik Testimony for Tuesday’s class.
Tuesday June 3: Fair Use & Media Literacy. Discuss the Novik Testimony. Review chapter I of EIIW. Review WA#1 prompt.
Wednesday June 4: MLA Review. Review chapter II of EIIW. Review WA#2 prompt. WA2 Example Paper
Thursday June 5: WA1-DueJune5 – Turn in the Jenkins TedTalk Worksheet with your WA1! (The TedTalk is on YouTube if you need to watch it again).
MLA Quiz. Set up portfolios in class- bring your tabbed dividers! I have some extra three ring binders if you need one.
Homework: Reading Journal #1 & WA2 *Deadline for WA2 has been extended to June 12th and requires a writing center visit dated before Wednesday.
Over the weekend read EIIW: Chapter 2 (Szwed and Scribner’s articles) and skim FW pages 1-23. Answer the questions on Reading Journal #1 – it will guide you through the important information and concepts in the readings that we will be working in class with next week.
Week 2:
Monday June 9: Reading Journal #1
We discussed Chapter 2 (Szwed and Scribner’s articles) and FW pages 1-23. We visited the writing center. A writing center visit to work on WA2 with a tutor is required- turn in the yellow copy of the visitation sheet with your WA2. We discussed Scribner’s literacy metaphors and talked about how the culture we saw in the documentary Done The Impossible operates as a subculture using Swales Criteria. We also discussed MLA format within our essays. See the “In the Classroom” page for links to relevant Prezis.
Tuesday June 10:
We learned how to conduct observations and study a culture/community to which we are outsiders of. We practiced this with a class activity that allowed us to become more familiar with the terms and processes described in the Field Working textbook.
Wednesday June 11: Discussing field notes, ethics, and research.
Thursday June 12: Class activities TBA.
WA2Proposal-DueJune12 The WA2 deadline has been extended to June 12. It requires that you work with a writing center visit (work with a tutor on your WA2). Turn in the yellow copy of the writing center visitation sheet with your essay. The visitation needs to be dated before Wednesday.
Weekend Homework: Code of Ethics and Informed Consent Form is due on Monday. Read the following and complete reading journal #2: From EIIW read 117-122 and 158-168. From FW chapter 3: 102-111, 119-124 and 155-164. FW Chapter 4 pages 192-197 and Deepening Description through Research (Salem) 179-186. Reading Journal #2 Due June 16
Week 3: ****Starting June 16 we will be in classroom HL 325. This will be our classroom for the remainder of the semester. It has a Smart Board!****
Monday June 16: Informed Consent and Code of Ethics Due June 16: Here is the template to download and use.
Reading Journal #2 Due June 16
We will discuss EIIW pgs. 117-122 and FW “Deepening Description through Research (Salem)” pages 179-186.
Downloadable Due Date Calendar
Tuesday June 17: Ethics
Wednesday June 18: In class we will discuss EIIW 158-168 and FW pages 192-197.
Field Notes (Pinterest) #1 is due. Before class on June 18 pin 5 artifacts (include your field notes in the description) to your Pinterest board. See the handout (link above) for the full instructions.
Video Tutorials for the Field Notes:
Thursday June 19: Final draft of WA3 due. We will discuss the annotated bibliography assignment (WA#4).
Week 4:
Monday June 23: Research & Annotated Bibliography
Tuesday June 24: Competing literacy sponsors. Reading Journal #3 due.
Wednesday June 25:
Working on assignments in the computer class with the professors guided assistance.
5 artifacts due on Pinterest with details in the description box about your literacy observations. If you description is too long you can copy and paste the rest of it into a comment on that item.
Thursday June 26: WA4 Annotated Bibliography Essay Due
Week 5:
Monday June 30: TBA Final Portfolio & Revisions Due (for revisions: put the revision on top of the old draft and highlight the changes that you made).
*Remember: A Writing Center Visit is required with your final paper. Turn in the yellow copy of the visitation sheet with your final paper.*
Tuesday July 1: Conferences in my office to discuss your portfolio and revisions.
Wednesday July 2: Final Presentation Due – Class Presentations Day 1
Thursday July 3: Final Paper Due (With Writing Center Visitation sheet). Turn in your final paper in my office (HL 115) or by email. I will be in my office during class time to accept your final paper and discuss your grades from 8-9:50AM.
*Remember: A Writing Center Visit is required with your final paper. Turn in the yellow copy of the visitation sheet with your final paper.*